
Tobogma is a reasonable static site generator. It generates simple, readable HTML sites with exactly one command and one configuration file. You can install themes, use existing ones, or create your own, and it's all fairly easy. You can create your own custom navigation bar, and even add 10 pounds of JavaScript to your blog about design or whatever the kids do these days.

Download Tobogma!
Do yourself a favor


Tobogma doesn't boast many fancy features that other static site generators don't have, but...


Tobogma's theming system is painfully simple. Themes are composed of the following file structure:

--- themes
  |_ your theme
    |_ static
      |- styles.css
    |- header.html
    |- footer.html

If you install a theme, you just copy the folder containing the HTML files and static folder to Tobogma's themes folder, then edit your config.json to represent the changes you made.


Coming Soon™